Isolated M – 46 Years of History!
Isolated M was launched in 1974 and became one of the most friendly, frequent, and internationally inclusive of Mensa’s newsletters. Over four decades many dedicated volunteers published hundreds of issues of the Little Green Rag (cover color), as it is affectionately called.
Our founder, Harper Fowley, was the Local Groups officer of American Mensa. Realizing that overseas members (military, ex-pats, etc.) had no Local Groups, he created the Isolated M newsletter June 1974. This publication was the heart of Isolated M that knit members into a scattered-but-connected Special Interest Group and at a later date, a Local Group (#999).
1980s – 2000s
The Isolated M newsletter October 1976 issue reported 1500 circulation in paper. It went to the Special Interest Group (SIG) leaders, Mensa officers, American Mensa members living outside the U.S., American Mensa local groups without newsletters, Mensa Canada, and to International Members that had no local Mensa newsletters. Decades of dedicated volunteers, called Crew, faithfully published the Little Green Rag. Past Editors are founder Harper Fowley (8 yr), Lloyd Teitsworth (2 yr), Darlene Criss (10 yr), The Doziers (4 yr), Susan Ramsdell (12 yr), The Bunstocks (1.5 yr), Pete Levy (2.5 yr), Ed Lomas (0.5 yr), Jim Kay (0.5 yr), and Lida Quillen from 2016 to the present. A little known fact is that Local Group #999 never had a LocSec to represent them. In January 2018 American Mensa dispersed Local Group #999 members to other Local Groups so they could elect officers.
Since January 2018, Isolated M remains a SIG newsletter (no longer a Local Group) assembled by Editor, Lida. She herds (cats and) an able Crew who curate the Isolated M newsletter each month for the reading pleasure of 1000 subscribers (including 600+ Direct International Members). We welcome you to: JOIN US .
What Our Members Say
A Blend
“I just love it when the LGR arrives with its blending of old-fashioned light-heartedness and modern-day reality.”
– Mineola, NY
“I DO like feghoots.”
– Pottsville, PA
Other Places
“I particularly like to hear from folks who live in other countries or work in places different from ‘home.’ “
– Hemet, CA
Scariest Night
“That was the scariest night of my life when the storm passed through…”
– Christiansted, VI
A Word About Our Crew
The heart of our Crew who assemble the monthly newsletter is Lida, Editor since 2016. Lida, lives in Tennessee. In July 2018, Bryan from Michigan became Coordinator. Todd who lives on the road in a motor home became Facebook administrator the summer of 2019. No monthly meetings here except a lot of emails to assemble the Little Green Rag for your reading pleasure.

Editor & Co-coordinator Extraordinaire
After attempting various occupations including air traffic controller, real estate agent, and others, I found a field of endeavor that is challenging and personally rewarding — book publishing. I am the founder and owner of Paladin Timeless Books and Twilight Times Books as well as Twilight Times ezine.
Over the years my hobbies have included (but not limited to): travel (Canada, Mexico, England, Scotland, France, Switzerland, Monaco, Greenland, Iceland, Japan, Philippines, etc.), flying (flew to Europe in a BE-35 V-tail Bonanza), motorcycles (Norton 750cc), reading (average 2000 wpm, which is useful when looking over the slush pile).

Todd Bender
Facebook Facilitator
Growing up in a small Indiana town, I dreamed of driving cross country in a van. After 20 years of corporate software engineering and 5 years as a massage therapist I sold (almost) everything. Now I live On the Road in a recreational vehicle (RV). I will be socializing with Facebook users as I travel and write my On The Road column in the Little Green Rag newsletter.
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