Why Join Isolated M?
Our SIG delivers good feelings, mental stimulation, joy, and is populated with gentle souls. Our patrons are travelers, international members, and Mensans who live in the boonies. We also have members who don’t travel and live in big cities.
Activities are basic: We read the Isolated M newsletter, send communications, share humor and travel stories, and get ideas about living the high IQ life. Isolated M has published our newsletter each year since 1974. Volunteers who assemble the newsletter from reader contributions pride themselves on its quality content 95% (looking for 100%) produced by members.

The Isolated M Scholarship
The Isolated M Harper Fowley Scholarship was started in 1988 for students pursuing an undergraduate liberal arts degree.
As of 2019, the balance in our perpetual fund allows Isolated M to award a $600 scholarship. Tax-deductible donations may be made by clicking on: www.mensafoundation.org/support-my-foundation/
This link will take you to the Mensa Foundation web page where you can make a secure donation by credit card. Be sure to select RECOGNITION (In honor of): Isolated M, or Harper Fowley Scholarship to have the donation credited to the Isolated M fund (general fund otherwise).
For a donation of $25 or more you will receive a letter of acknowledgment, and for $100 or more your name will be listed in the Mensa Foundation annual report.
Thank you for your generosity in helping the next generation! More information about the Mensa Scholarship Program is at www.mensafoundation.org/what-we-do/scholarships/
Glossary of Weird Words
Click Read Glossary to see some of the stranger terms used in the Isolated M newsletter and Mensa in general.